Actor Anil Kapoor is a proud daddy. Sonam Kapoor has had a pretty successful career over the years. Sonam Kapoor Ahuja who made her Bollywood debut in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 2007 romantic film Saawariya opposite Ranbir Kapoor has carved a niche for herself in the industry. Since then, the actor has been a part of several hits and is continuing in doing so. Aisha movie star dad Anil Kapoor had shared a collage of his daughters' hit movies and said that He is proud of her talented daughter. Congratulating his daughter Sonam for eight hits in a row, he has lauded her for making pretty damn good choices in her film career. Sonam's recent movies Sanju and Veere Di Wedding performed incredibly well at the box-office and both had one of the highest box-office openings for 2018. Taking a look back at her cinematic journey, Sonam's father Anil Kapoor took to Instagram to share a collage of her blockbuster films with a caption, "The choices we make shape our lives. @sonamkapoor you have made some pretty damn good ones when it comes to scripts, directors & content...Your hard work, commitment & conviction has resulted in 8 hits in a row! So happy & proud of you!"
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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