Happy 30th Birthday Parineeti Chopra! 7 Rare and Unseen Pictures of the actress

 Bollywood diva Parineeti Chopra turns 30 today! The actress is not just a pretty face but is a perfect example of beauty with brains. Starting her acting career with Ladies vs Ricky Bahl, Parinneti managed to woo the audience with her first movie itself. Her bubbly and power packed avatar made filmmaker feel that the actress is here to stay. Interestingly, the actress hated acting and actors before joining YRF as a public relations consultant. She has triple honours degree in business, finance and economics from the Manchester Business School, UK and never thought she would turn out to be an actress. However, now in her 7 glorious years in Bollywood, Parineeti has shown every side of herself in a variety of characters and roles she played. 

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