Latest Bollywood News October 8: Gauri Khan celebrates 48th birthday, Kangana Ranaut lashes out on Sonam Kapoor

Latest Bollywood News and Updates: Amidst all the chaos of Kangana Ranaut and Vikas Bahl’s controversy, the actress lashed out of Bollywood diva Sonam Kapoor Ahuja for her statement ‘it’s hard to take Kangana seriously’. Kangana Ranaut questions who she is to judge her? On the other hand, King of Romance Shah Rukh Khan’s gorgeous wife Gauri Khan turns 48 today. The interior designer by passion, Gauri rings into her birthday with 'half of her better halves'. While Bollywood is buzzing with Me Too movement with many women coming out with their stories, veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor is spotted taking a stroll with an old friend Anupam Kher on the New York Streets. The actor is in The States for his medical treatment. Also, among all the crispy Bollywood news, it is hard to miss a scoop about Katrina Kaif and Varun Dhawan. Do you know that they will grace Koffee With Karan Season 6 together?

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