Comedy King and popular actor Kapil Sharma tied the knot to Ginni Chatrath in a grand wedding ceremony in Jalandhar on December 12. The comedian has seen many ups and own in his career and was away from the limelight for a while after his ugly fight with Sunil Grover but he always claimed that it was Ginni who brought him back to everything. On 18th March 2017, Kapil Sharma revealed to the world that he is dating Ginni Chatrath and will marry her soon. Now that the two have got married, Kapil is on the top of the world and even shared their first picture from the wedding ceremony. Fans know pretty much everything about their favorite comedian Kapil Sharma’s life but not about Ginni. So here are a few interesting details about Kpail Sharma’s gorgeous wife Ginni Chatrath.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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