Veteran Bollywood actress Jaya Prada won millions of hearts when she appeared on the big screen in a three-minute dance number when she was just 14. Her Bollywood journey started then and she went on to give blockbusters like Sargam, Sharaabi, Tohfa, and others. The actress worked with all the top actors of her time and earned many accolades. However, later in the years she left her Bollywood career and joined politics. When the actress appeared in India TV’s Aap Ki Adalat, host Rajat Sharm asked her if she misses being in the glamour words and being called an actress. She was quick to answer that she never felt the film industry because it gave her all the recognition. Jaya Prada also recalled how she started her career in the films and stated that it has been a long journey and can never be broken. The actress also shared that she still enjoys when people call her by her screen name. Watch the video here-
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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