What cold war? Hina Khan and Erica Fernandes are enjoying pool time in these latest pictures

Television beauties Hina Khan, Erica Fernandes and Pooja Banerjee who are currently seen together in the popular show Kasauti Zindagi Kay 2 have left the temperatures soaring as they posed by the pool side in gorgeous swimsuits. The divas took to their Instagram to share sizzling hot pictures as they enjoyed their pool time and said good bye to the heat. Sharing the pictures, Hina Khan wrote, “Because Hotties hang out at the pool @iam_ejf @poojabanerjeee what a day girls..what fun #BossBabe #Hotties #SwimTeam” On the other hand, Erica Fernandes captioned the same picture saying, “A sassy day keeps the basics away…We missed you @shubhaavi  XOXO Kasautii Girls” For the unversed, Shubhavi is the actress who plays Mohini Basu, the role of Anurag Basu aka Parth Samthaan’s mother in the show. In the pictures shared by these beauties, Erica can be seen flaunting a black colored monokine as Hina Khan sizzle in a bikini. Check out their pictures here-

from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed http://bit.ly/2L90KDF
