The Bhaijaan of Bollywood Salman Khan, who is all set to wow the audience with his upcoming film Bharat opposite Katrina Kaif, made a remarkable cameo in Shah Rukh Khan starrer Zero. Both the superstars shared the big screen in Zero song titled Ishqbaazi, which went on to become viral across the internet. Now, it seems that Salman Khan will work his magic all over again in Prabhas's Saaho, which also stars Shraddha Kapoor in a leading role. Yes! you read that right! Salman Khan and Prabhas will reportedly be seen together in Saaho. Furthermore, the report stated that it was Neil Nitin Mukesh who suggested Salman's name to play the cameo in the film. For the unknown, Neil is playing the baddie in the film.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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