Hina Khan's look at Cannes 2019 festival was well-appreciated by her fans as well as her fraternity people. While everyone was singing praises for the Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2 actress, a magazine editor took a jibe at her look. While indirectly mocking her Cannes look, he wrote, "Did Cannes become Kandivali Studios Kya?" His snide remarks didn't go down well and many TV actors including Arjun Bijlani, Surbhi Jyoti, Ridhi Dogra, Karanvir Bohra, Nia Sharma, Nakuul Mehta stood out in support of the actress. In fact, telelvision's czarina Ekta Kapoor also slammed the editor for his distasteful remarks. After much backlash, he apologised on social media and his apology was immediately accepted by Hina Khan. On Friday, Hina shared another set of pictures from her Cannes Day 3 look. While sharing a picture, she wrote a cryptic post saying something about forgiveness. This might be intended towards the editor's apology and Hina Khan's acceptance towards it. She wrote, "Forgiveness is the smell that lavender gives out when you tread on it.."
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from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed http://bit.ly/2YvtW9Z
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