Divya Agarwal and Varun Sood, who announced their love for each other on MTV’s reality show Ace Of Space, are on the beautiful island of Maldives. The duo is enjoying a vacation by the seaside and enjoying being with each other along with the romantic view. Both Divya and Varun are very active on social media and they are posting pictures from their blissful vacation for their fans. From loading their feeds with pictures of themselves on the beach to sharing their dinner dates on Insta stories, the couple is making sure that their fans are as much a part of their vacation and enjoys as they are. In the pictures, both Varun and Divya can be seen enjoying beautiful sights inside the aquarium as well as on the beach. Varun shared the picture and captioned it as, “I'm having the time of my life! And I owe it all to you - @divyaagarwal_official”
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed http://bit.ly/2V7X05a
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed http://bit.ly/2V7X05a
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