Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were one of the couples who stole away the limelight with their ‘outrageous’ looks at the Met Gala 2019. Well, its not us but Nick himself who called the look outrageous. The couple wore custom-made Dior outfits to the event and perfectly complimented each other. However, soon after their pictures popped on the internet, netizens went berserk. Trolls opened their treasure box of memes and converted PeeCee’s look into the funniest pictures you would have ever seen. From comparing her hair to Dr. Mashoor Gulati to making her a part of Veerappan’s mustache, netizens have come up with the best of best when it comes to memes. Well, this is not the first time that the actress has been trolled savagely for her look at the Met Gala.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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