Ranbir Kapoor enjoys a massive fan following and the credit goes to his subtle acting skills and drool-worthy looks. Ranbir is known for his politeness and warm behaviour towards his fans. The actor always reciprocates the love he gets from his well-wishers and die-hard fans. Ranbir is currently shooting in Varanasi for his upcoming film Brahmastra along with rumoured girlfriend Alia Bhatt and Mouni Roy. Taking some time out amidst his hectic schedule the couple even visited Kashi Vishwanath temple to offer prayers. Their pictures from Varanasi schedule are already doing the rounds on social media. Now, a fresh video has surfaced on Instagram in which we can see Ranbir meeting one of his fans.
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed http://bit.ly/2WuGSQY
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed http://bit.ly/2WuGSQY
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