Mouni Roy Birthday Special: 10 sizzling pictures of Made In China actress that redefine hotness

Mouni Roy, who started her acting career with Ekta Kapoor’s most watched TV show Kyuki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, has become the most desirable actress in Bollywood now. She is working with all the top performers and filmmakers in the industry and making fans love her more with her performances. Not just her onscreen presence, but viewers love to watch Mouni in interviews as well as on her social media. The actress’ Instagram is nothing less than a definition of hotness. The actress keeps treating her fans with oh-so-gorgeous looks and entertains them with her moves. On her birthday, let’s have a look at 10 sizzling pictures in which she can set the temperatures soaring high.

from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
